Pilgrim Prayers – Privacy Policy

The Website www.pilgrimprayers.org (the “Site”) is operated by Pilgrim Prayers, located at Brodeski 52c Tel-Aviv, Israel, 6905163 (“We, Our or us”). This Privacy Policy, along with Our Terms of Use, set forth the information practices of the Site, including Our collection, use and disclosure of information. The provisions of our Terms of Use, including without limitation, the provisions regarding limitation on damages, governing law and dispute resolution, apply to this Privacy Policy. Unless otherwise stated, any defined terms used herein shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Terms of Use.

We are committed to safeguarding any personal information collected on the Site and the App. We ensure that Our Privacy Policy and information practices conform to the applicable data privacy laws and all other applicable legislation.

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time at Our sole discretion. We will inform users of the Site of any such amendments by posting a new Privacy Policy on the Site home page including a clear indication of the new effective date. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, users include anyone who accesses or registers for the Site or any Service provided thereby (together, “User” or “Users”). As required by law, we will not use personal information in ways that are materially different from the ones set forth in this Privacy Policy without providing notification of such practices and obtaining consent. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will post a notice of these changes on the Site and in this Privacy Policy and, to the extent required by applicable law, we will obtain Users’ consent. Users are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes.

This Privacy Policy only applies to information a User provides to us while visiting or using Our Site. Information a User may provide in visiting or using Our Site falls into two broad categories: Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) and Aggregate Information (“AI”; and collectively with the PII, the “Information”). PII is a compilation of personal data which alone, or in conjunction with other data, could be used to identify or contact a person, including first and last name, home or other physical address including street name and city or town, email address, telephone number, pictures, Social Security number, or any other identifying information that you may give to us, or that we may collect in connection with use of the Service, that would permit physical or online contact with a User. Aggregate Information is information that does not identify a User, and may include, for example, statistical information concerning the sections of Our Site that Users most frequent and Users’ activities on the Site. Our Privacy Policy governs both categories of information, as detailed below.

  1. Your Consent

    By accessing, viewing, registering and/or otherwise using the Site and/or the Service, you consent to:

    • The collection, transfer, manipulation, storage, disclosure and other uses of Information as described in the Terms of Use and in this Privacy Policy, and
      • To the transfer of such Information outside of the country where you reside, to other countries (where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction) for storage, processing and use by Us, and to the transmission of data on an international basis.
  2. Information We Collect

    • Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”)
      • During the registration process, we directly collect certain information from you, including your name, a functioning email address where you can be reached, a password of your selection, and a method of payment. Some of this information is PII. We may not, and do not, require a User to disclose more information than is reasonably necessary to access and use Our Site. Users are not required by law to provide such information, but must provide it if they wish to become a registered user of the Site and receive additional communications from Us.
        • We may engage third parties to collect PII from Users. The types of information that may be collected and stored at that time include the User’s/payer’s full name, e-mail address, credit card billing information including mailing address, and such other information as may be requested from time to time. That information is safeguarded with appropriate security and it will not be used for other purposes. The third parties we engage to collect payment information from Our users have agreed to maintain the confidentiality, security, and integrity of the personal and financial information they obtain from Site and App users, and to only use this information on Our behalf. We encourage all Users to read the privacy policies and other terms of such third parties’ websites before using their services.
        • If a User does not provide certain PII to us, then we may not permit that User’s Site registration and that User may be denied access to certain content and other functions on the Site or other information, products or services.
    • Aggregate Information (“AI”)
      • AI includes information concerning Users’ activities on the Site (including, but not limited to, statistical information about which pages are visited, the date and time of the visits, other User activities and how long Users view the Site pages) and information Users’ browser sends whenever Users visit a website (such as computer’s Internet Protocol address, browser type, the web pages that were visited before visiting the Site).
      • When a User uses a widget or any other tool offered by us, whether on the Site o or on a third party website, including a website owned or operated by a User, we may record data related to that activity, the deployment of the widget or tool, and any other account related data.
      • We or a third party acting on Our behalf may collect this AI through the use of technology such as unique identifiers, or “cookies,” as set forth in Section 6 below
    • Information may be collected through the following methods:
      • Creating a User Account: When a User creates or reconfigures a User Account, the User provides his/her/its e-mail address, and any other personal or preference information that you elect to provide to us.
      • Log Data: Our servers automatically record information created by User’s use of the Site. Such data is collected by server logs and cookies (see explanation in Section 6 below), and may include information such as the date and time of visits to the Site, the pages viewed, time spent at our Site, and the Internet sites visited just before and just after our Site.
      • Use Data: our servers automatically record the following information each time a User activates and uses the Service (“Session”): date and time on which the Session began, date and time on which the Session ended, amount of data transmitted during each Session, the User’s IP address and the relevant IP of Our server, used by the User during such Session. Such information is retained during a twelve (12) month period following the end of each Session and is thereafter deleted from our servers. We collect the data mentioned above solely for the purposes set forth in Section 5 below.
      • Payment Data: In order to pay for the use of our Service, we will direct you to perform payment through one of the Third Party Payment Processors we work with. The Third Party Payment Processor of your choice will provide us with, and We shall then store, the date on which you made the payment and the date that your Subscription Plan will expire, along with a generic number (the “Order ID Number”). We need your Order ID Number in order to link your order to your User Account.In addition, in case you select to pay through a credit card we will also store the last four (4) digits of your credit card number.

        We also store your name and address, and this data may also be independently stored by the Third Party Payment Processor handling the transaction.

        You may contact us, as specified in Section 11 below, in order to request the deletion of your home address from our servers.

        We are not responsible for any Third Party Payment Processor handling your transaction and you should refer to the Third Party Payment Processor’s privacy policy to see how they use your data since it is subject to their rules and policies.

      • Information posted on the Site: As a User, you may post questions, comments or reviews on the Site. Any personal information you elect to post on the Site as part of such questions, comments or reviews, and the sharing of such personal information, is done at your own responsibility and risk. Any personal information post by you on the Site may be saved, copied, re-sent or otherwise used by other Users, and we cannot control the use of such personal information by any such recipients. We cannot and do not guarantee that personal information posted by you will not be used by unauthorized persons. You understand and acknowledge that, even after personal information, that was posted by you, was removed from the Site, such personal information may be collected, used and redistributed if stored by other Users.
      • Location data: Our servers may receive information about your location, for example when You enter shipment address information, or by using data from Your device, such as precise location information from GPS, information about wireless networks, cell towers near your mobile device, or Your IP address. We may use and store information about Your location to provide features of our Services and to customize Our Services.
  3. Use and Storage of Information

    We shall preserve the confidentiality of the PII according to every law, including pursuant to the provisions of the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981.

    • We may use and store Information Users provide to us on Our Site to:
      • Provide service and regular handling of Our Service which Users purchased, and in order to manage and operate the Service for statistical purposes, update and improve the Information, manage communications with customers, market products and services, process the Information (including segmentation and characterization) for these purposes and direct mailing.
      • protect Our rights, Our Users’ rights and other third parties’ rights (e.g., in order to prevent and detect (i) fraud against Our Service (such as credit card fraud (and (ii) abuse of Our network (such as spamming, file sharing or other illicit activity).
      • enable Users to log-in into the Site;
      • administer the use of the Site and Users’ Site accounts, including, but not limited to, communications at the email address provided during registration to provide notification regarding the Site, such as any future amendments to its privacy practices or this Privacy Policy;
      • Ensure all Users follow Our Terms and Conditions and other rules and policies;
      • ban a User temporarily or permanently for failure to follow Our Terms and Conditions, rules and policies, or for other misconduct or inappropriate behavior;Respond to questions, comments and reviews from Users;Monitor and analyze the Site (including, but not limited to, measuring Users’ interest in and use of various areas of the Site);
      • improve the functionality, design and quality of the Site;
      • perform the technical administration of the Site and provide any support and maintenance services to Users;
      • investigate cases of suspected abuse or fraud;
      • prepare statistical and other summary analyses of Our Users’ behavior;
    • We may use Information for Advertising purposesWe may use and store Information Users provide to us on Our Site to provide Users with newsletters, updates, and other materials related to the purposes of the Site or with information or offers from us or third parties that we believe Users may find useful or interesting, including without limitation, special sales, rebates, new products and services, coupons, or any other advertisements, which we think may be of interest to you (“Advertisements”)

      Checking an applicable box, as well as your consent to Our Privacy Policy and continuing use of the Site, constitute your consent to receive Advertisements pursuant to the Israeli Telecommunication Law (Bezeq and Services) 5742 – 1982 (the “Law”).

      Please note that according to the Law, you may choose at any time to stop receiving any Advertisements by sending an email request to remove your details from Our direct mailing list to info@pilgrimprayers.org.

    • We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate the operation of the Site, and to perform services related to administration of the Site (including, but not limited to, bill and credit card payment processing, maintenance, hosting and database management services, web analytics and administration). These third parties have access to Users’ PII only to perform these tasks on Our behalf.We shall not transfer PII to any third party, except in the following cases:
      • If we have obtained your consent, as provided, for example, under Section 6 below.
      • To a party acting on behalf of Us for the purpose of performing Our undertakings to you.
      • In the event of a legal dispute between you and Us, which shall require the disclosure of your PII.
      • If you take actions through the Site which in Our sole discretion breaches applicable laws or contradicts this Policy or Terms of Use;
      • If we believe that it is necessary: (a) to comply with a law, regulation, order, legal request or legal proceeding or quasi-legal proceeding; (b) to protect the rights, property or personal safety of Us, Our Users and any other person; (c) to address fraud, security or technical issues; or (d) to protect Our rights (including investigation of potential violations thereof) or property;
      • If we are involved in a bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets (whether by way of grant of license or sublicense, or assignment of rights), where your Information may be sold or transferred as part of that transaction. In any such transfer of Information, we will ensure the confidentiality of any PII involved in such transactions and provide notice before personal Information is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy;
      • If we believe that it is necessary for the provision of the Service, such as responding to your requests for customer services or disclosure to third parties who host the Service at a co-location facility for servers;
    • We may share AI, and reports based on AI, with third parties for industry analysis, demographic profiling, other commercial purposes, or to deliver targeted advertising about other products and services. No such AI that we provide to third parties will contain PII.
  4. Data security and confidentiality

    We are taking administrative and technical measures in order to protect the confidentiality of the PII given by you by against loss, theft, and misuse, as well as unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction. We process PII on servers located in various countries worldwide. Any improper collection or misuse of Information provided via our Site or Service is a violation of this Privacy Policy.

    However, despite the efforts invested by Us and the measures that we take to protect the confidentiality of the data and the security of the PII, we are not able to protect the data systems and the communications hermetically against unauthorized penetrations or prohibited use of the information provided by you in the course of using the Service, the Site. Therefore, in such cases, we shall not be liable to you for any damage that will be caused, if any, in cases of disclosure and use of the aforesaid information that results from unauthorized penetrations of others.

    In this context, you should be aware that the use of the site involves various risks. The following are examples of such risks:

    • Use of a device without active and updated antivirus software or without a fully updated operating system exposes you to contamination with viruses and/or spyware, which may record your operations on the computer or disrupt your activity on it.
    • It is clarified that the liability for ensuring that viruses do not penetrate your computer rests solely with you, and therefore it is proposed that an antivirus tool is installed on your device and that it will be updated on a regular basis.
    • Identity theft by impersonating the site operator. Be careful of spoof email messages and phishing – spoof email messages and phishing are messages that are apparently sent by Us asking the recipient of the notice to enter the site by means of a link that is given in the notice and to provide or update his PII while give the reasons why the update is required (for example: security reasons, upgrade of systems, etc.). Please note that the link in such an email could be a precise imitation of Our official Site from which the notice is supposedly sent. In this way, third parties try to obtain your PII unlawfully, so that they can access your account on the Site. For your information, in no case we will contact our customers by email and ask you to update your PII and therefore you should not respond to a request to update your details that is received by email as stated above.

    We will cooperate with the appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of PII that cannot be resolved between Us and an individual.

  5. Inadvertent Disclosure of PII

    You acknowledge and accept that, despite our efforts, there may be times or situations when your PII is inadvertently disclosed by Us or by a third party to whom we have disclosed your PII. You hereby accept that risk and waive any and all claims, causes of action, damages and liability against Us in the event of inadvertent or negligent disclosure of PII.

  6. Cookies

    A cookie is a small text document, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier. When you visit an Internet site, that site’s computer asks your computer for permission to store this file in a part of your hard drive specifically designated for cookies. Each Internet site can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser’s preferences allow it, but, to protect your privacy, your browser only permits an Internet site to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites.

    As you use our Site, the Site uses its cookies to differentiate you from other Users. Cookies, in conjunction with our Internet server’s log files, allow us to calculate the aggregate number of people visiting our Site and which parts of the Site are most popular. This helps us gather feedback in order to constantly improve our Site and better serve our customers. Cookies do not allow us to gather any PII and we do not generally store any PII that you provided to us in your cookies.

    There are two types of cookies:

    Exempt from consent- these are called Strictly Necessary Cookies and they guarantee functions without which You would not be able to use the Site as intended, therefore these kind of cookies cannot be disabled through the Site, and do not require Your consent, however, you can completely disable cookies from your browser at any time.

    Subject to consent- these cookies are not legally necessary to use the website, and therefore require Your consent. They are required to allow functions intended for Your surfing convenience on the Site. For example your personal settings, such as preferred language, cannot be retained without such cookies.

    The cookies We use

      1. Strictly necessary cookies- as described above these cookies are essential for the operation of the Site, and therefore You cannot disable them through the Site.
      2. Performance cookies- gather information about how the Site is used which allows Us to improve the Site consistently. These cookies do not include nor save information that will enable identification of Users. Here is a list of the Performance cookies We use:GA4Facebook PixelHotjar – https://www.hotjar.com/opt-out
      3. Marketing cookies- used to display advertisements that are more relevant to You. We use them to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaign and to limit the frequency an advertisement appears. This information may be shared with third parties. Here is a list of the Marketing cookies we use:Google My Ad Center – https://myadcenter.google.com/homeDoubleClick – http://www.google.com/settings/adsOutbrain – https://www.outbrain.com/privacyTwitter Advertising


    Our use of the cookies

    We use the cookies mentioned above to improve Your experience using the Site, whether it is Your first time visiting Us or You repeated visiting Us. Cookies are set either by the Site (first party cookies) or by other websites with contents that appear on Our Site (third party cookies). In order to disable these third party cookies please visit the third party’s website cookies policy to gather more information on how to disable them.

    Your Consent

    We provide the following way for You to conveniently disable the cookies in the Site www.pilgrimprayers.org. You can also delete or block cookies through Your browser settings. If you restrict the use of cookies in any way, you will not be able to use all the functions on Our website.

  7. External Sites

    We are not responsible for the practices employed by External Sites uploaded or linked to or from our Site, nor the information or content contained therein. When a User uses a link to go from our Site to External Sites or when a User accesses to an External Site while using our Service, our Privacy Policy is no longer in effect. A User’s browsing and interaction on any External Site, including, but not limited to, Internet sites which have a link on our Site, is subject to that External Site’s own rules and policies.

  8. Policy towards Children

    The Site is not directed at children under the age of 18 and We do not knowingly collect any PII from children under the age of 18. If a parent or guardian believes that the Site has collected the PII of a child under the age of 18, please contact Us at info@pilgrimprayers.org or by registered mail to Our address as mentioned above.
    If we become aware that a child under the age of 18 has provided us with PII without verification of parental consent, we shall attempt to remove such Information from our servers and terminate the child’s User Account as soon as possible.

    Minors that are under 18 years of age, should not send any Information about themselves to anyone via our Site and/or Service before asking their parents’ permission.

  9. Changes to this Policy

    We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. Your continued use of the Site and/or Service will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of any and all such changes.

  10. Information Access

    If under applicable law, you have the right to access Information held about you, such right of access can be exercised in accordance with the applicable law. Any access request may be subject, to the extent allowed by applicable law, to a fee of US $12 (twelve US dollars) to meet our costs in providing you with details of the Information we hold about you. To make an access request please email: info@pilgrimprayers.org.

  11. Contact Information

    If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at info@pilgrimprayers.org. If you are not satisfied with any part of this Site or this policy, the only remedy available to you is to stop using the Site.

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