Prayer Wall

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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
- Matthew 18:20
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Dear Divine Father,

In the sacred city of Jerusalem, where the echo of prayers reverberates through the ancient stones, I humbly seek your presence to bring peace and harmony into my being. Among the Holy Churches that stand as symbols of unity, let me find solace in the tranquility they represent.

Grant me the strength to navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom, embracing a path of balance and understanding. As it is written in the book of Psalms, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters." Lead me, O Father, to the serenity of still waters, where my soul can find rest and renewal.

May your divine light illuminate the shadows within me, dispelling fear and doubt, and filling my heart with the pure essence of your love. Guide me towards understanding and compassion, both for myself and others, that I may walk the path of peace and harmony.

I offer my prayers in this sacred place, knowing that your presence transcends all boundaries and distances. Thank you for the opportunity to seek solace in this holy sanctuary of Jerusalem, where the prayers of the faithful are carried on the wings of angels. Amen.
July 10, 2024 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Heavenly Father, as I humbly reach out to You in prayer from afar, I seek Your divine presence to surround my family bonds and relationships. O Jerusalem, the sacred city where unity and connection are revered, may my words find solace within your holy walls.

Grant us the strength to nurture our family ties, to cherish the love that binds us together, and to foster understanding in times of strife. Help us to mend any conflicts that may have arisen, filling our hearts with forgiveness and healing.

In the words of Corinthians 13:13, "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." Let Your love shine brightly upon my family, guiding us towards a deeper connection rooted in compassion and empathy.

Divine Father, bless us with the gift of love that knows no bounds, forgiveness that knows no end, and open communication that bridges any divides. May Your grace permeate our souls, uplifting us to walk hand in hand through life's joys and struggles.

As my prayers find their way to the churches of Jerusalem, I offer deep gratitude for this sacred opportunity to seek Your blessings upon my family and relationships. May the echoes of my heartfelt plea resound within the hallowed halls of Your city, uniting us in faith and love. Amen.
July 10, 2024 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Your intention is deeply cherished and will be personally delivered to the sacred sites of the Holy Land. Your support means the world to us and helps spread love and healing globally.
April 24, 2024 Prayed for 47 times. I prayed for this
Please guide myself and my husband to our new home. To find peace and happiness through this final chapter of our lives. Please protect us against all evils that are plaguing our home and neighborhood. Place your healing hands upon my husband John and give him many more happy years with me.
March 07, 2024 Prayed for 22 times. I prayed for this
"I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.

Please pray for my family, we are going thru tribulations, my son who was arrested wrongfully, he was protecting me from my daughter who went crazy and was trying to attack me, my financial, for my husband protect him from all evil doer's
March 07, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Martin White
I need a miracle request. I ruined my life 14 years ago. I took a wrong turn down a bad path and now my life will never be the same currently I am in alot of pain, agony, nausea and tired alot. I need to go back to December 2010 to fix my broken life. I need thus badly is is my only hope. Otherwise I will die a slow and painful death.
March 07, 2024 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Complete Healing of Danny Johnson, Paula Morris, Eathan Johnson, Wyatt father in law, myself, Jeannie Wedding. For my brothers and sister. For my children an grandchildren to come back there Catholic faith. Conversion of sinners, world peace, widows an widower of my faithful community. Fr.Augusty and Fr.Shijo. Friends and neighbors.
March 07, 2024 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Heavenly Father ,

“Blessed are You, O Lord my God. Let your name be blessed and glorified. I am too tired! It is too much! My load is too heavy, Lord lift it off me and grant me rest. I can't handle it any more. I feel that I'm drowning and everyday is a true struggle. I am just living! I messed up God. Please forgive me and help me. I desperately need a breakthrough! Make Haste and do not delay. Remember me! Open the doors and grant my heart's desires! Restore me and solve the financial problem you know of in my favour ASAP! I BELIEVE LORD HELP MY UNBELIEF! In you I hope and trust! Let it be my turn for your mercy, your grace, your favour and answered prayers. Grant me true happiness and peace that comes from you that I have not known yet all my life from all the trials and pain. Bring to pass Fr Raphael's words for my life and let it all not be in vain. You know everything! All things are possible for You! Through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit always. Through the intercessions of the Most-Holy Theotokos and all the Saints. Your will be done! Have Mercy! I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU! Amen!
March 06, 2024 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Angel dent
To not get evicted tomorrow I just lost my job a single mom please let a financial miracle happen or a miracle happen
March 05, 2024 Prayed for 0 times. I prayed for this
March 04, 2024 Prayed for 0 times. I prayed for this
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